Book Online Tickets for Zibu And Sigil Symbology Online Workshop, Mumbai.  

Zibu & Sigil Symbology Whatsapp Workshop. 




Zibu Symbols Zibu Angelic Symbols are fluid graceful symbols were intuitively channeled and apparently dictated to Almstedt by an Angel while she was undergoing Reiki ene

Zibu And Sigil Symbology Online Workshop


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Zibu & Sigil Symbology Whatsapp Workshop.




Zibu Symbols Zibu Angelic Symbols are fluid graceful symbols were intuitively channeled and apparently dictated to Almstedt by an Angel while she was undergoing Reiki energy treatment in 2002. According to Almstedt, the angel herself called the symbols Zibu. Each symbol has a specific meaning and a message of hope, love and encouragement from the Angels




Today they are widely used and not to forget the amount of transition and change people have noticed after using them in their day to day life healing all areas of their life.


So Are Sigil symbols alike Zibu, which has lot of power to create the change and bring about the manifestation and also used in sympathetic magic.




Workshop Content:


1: History of Zibu & Sigil Symbology.


2: List of Zibu and Sigil Symbols


3: Colour & Crystals associated with Each Symbols


4: Meditation & Attunements to Symbols


5: Zibu Readings


6: Sigil Magic Healings


7: Using Symbols For Relationships, Career & Health & Prosperity.




Benefits of This Workshop:


The symbols have many benefits which can be received by either viewing them or drawing them.




1: Being Able to Bring about a change in areas of life


2: Connect with the Angelic Realm


3: Quickest Manifestation




Join The workshop to learn this modality and explore a different dimension of universe that assits you in every step of life through its guidance.


Date: 18th- 20th May


EE: 2100/-


Venue: Whatsapp




CALL/WHATSAPP: 9930220956




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