Book Online Tickets for Yeh Joke Tha ?, New Delhi. This is a stand up comedy show featuring Robin Pupneja, a self-proclaimed Theatre Actor and Stand-up Comic. He has made blink-and-you-miss appearances on NDTV Rising Stars of Comedy and Radio Mirchi. In this show, he would share his irrelevant views

Yeh Joke Tha ?


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About The Event

This is a stand up comedy show featuring Robin Pupneja, a self-proclaimed Theatre Actor and Stand-up Comic. He has made blink-and-you-miss appearances on NDTV Rising Stars of Comedy and Radio Mirchi. In this show, he would share his irrelevant views on relevant subjects like Relationships, Women, Bollywood, Politics etc. He has an irresistible urge to share self-deprecating anecdotes however ends up making a fool of himself in front of strangers. Nonetheless, you would end up laughing, sometimes at the jokes and sometimes at him. Otherwise you can always ask him "Ye Joke Tha?"

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