Book Online Tickets for Workshop on Digital Transformations, Hyderabad. Fuelled by rapid technological advances and globalisation, the scope of technology services has evolved from peripheral activities with a focus on cost reduction to include a diverse set of critical functions such as innovation, new product developme

Workshop on Digital Transformations


  • Workshop on Digital Transformations

    Featured Presentation – AI and the Future of Work Panel Discussion: AI and the Future of Products ...and Services Panel Discussion: Designing a Digital Blueprint for the Industrial Economy Featured Presentation – Data-Driven Digital Business Models Panel Discussion: Industry Panel: Regulating the Gig Economy Panel Discussion: Industry Panel: Beating the Competency Trap in the Digital Economy

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About The Event

Fuelled by rapid technological advances and globalisation, the scope of technology services has evolved from peripheral activities with a focus on cost reduction to include a diverse set of critical functions such as innovation, new product development, process re-engineering and supply chain management that impact firm performance and society. This evolution of technology services is especially pronounced and relevant in an era of rapid automation, big data and social networks with transformational effects on incumbent business and government service delivery models. The purpose of the Workshop on Digital Transformation is to bring together interdisciplinary leaders from industry, government and academia to push our understanding of the future of technology services, including but not limited to technology-enabled service innovations, newer forms of organisation of service delivery, and human capital management. 

The workshop, hosted by the Srini Raju Centre for Information Technology and the Networked Economy (SRITNE) will be held on Friday, 11th and 12th October, 2019 at the Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad campus. It will include keynote presentations by industry, government and academic leaders and panel discussions on key issues around the focused topics identified for the workshop.

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