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“I wish I develop a genuine camaraderie with my employees.”
“I won’t hesitate to volunteer for the presentation next time.”
“She is probably better than I am.”
“I am probably going to be stuck doing this forever.”
Aren’t these a few things you find yourself saying/thinking often? It is important you realise that these thoughts originate only from your inhibitions, lack of motivation and self-confidence.
Be it deadlines, the hierarchy, appraisals, or be it getting through just the week at office – the corporate world today is way more complicated and demanding. In this scenario having thoughts like these has sadly become an unhealthy norm.
Why do we underestimate ourselves?
Why do we lower our expectations?
Why do we always play it safe?
It is because we doubt our potential and create these limitations. These could be self-inicted or those that have been born out of the kind of environment that surrounds us. They don’t let us get out of our comfort zones. We therefore become afraid to fail, and to disappoint…. Or sadly, to even give something important a TRY.
This session is about taking a leap of faith in yourself. Learning to get used to the idea of taking risks. Allowing yourself to take up challenges. To force yourself to learn through experience. To remember that self-motivation is the only tool to success that nobody can snatch away from you. To believe that once you set your mind to it, the opportunities are limitless.
Armed with this new insight, by the end of this session you will be able to –
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