Event Decription:
April 28th 2018 8AM-1PM
All Proceeds donated to your team or charity of choice.
National Satatics say the aver-age athlete spends 11.2 minutes per Year with a medical professional ....Image 60. you need the ultimate sport physical if you have been injured or want to play at the next level
-EKG Cardiac Screen
-Impact Concussion Evalution
-Functional Movement Screen
-Compurterized Breathing Assessment
-Sport Health Fair Education
-Digital health Record
Hosted at
Arrowhead Medical Park Academy:
Venue : (NMSU Campus) Building 8,3600 Arowhead Dr, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Registration Open March 15th
Price $20.00
Conatct David Gallegos
If you are not sure why we organize the Ultimate Sports Physical please watch this video.
Healthcare can be better if we collaborate and disregard traditional barriers. Experience the difference
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiKDmR1kjTQ&feature=youtu.be
Registration URL : https://ultimatesportsphysicals.fullslate.com/
For More Info: http://www.swsportandspine.com/