Book Online Tickets for Transformation Through Gratitude, Mumbai.  

Gratiude is one of the most beautiful tool that acts as a catalyst in each ones life. Just a simple gratitude prayer can change so much, imagine what magic this entire program will bring for you. 


This is a powerpacked program for al

Transformation Through Gratitude


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About The Event


Gratiude is one of the most beautiful tool that acts as a catalyst in each ones life. Just a simple gratitude prayer can change so much, imagine what magic this entire program will bring for you.


This is a powerpacked program for all of you who guininely wishes to change their lives. Come forward if you are truly willing to add that little extra charm to your life.


Adding the jist about this workshop wont do justice to the transformation you will go through. So leave the "Whats" & "hows" to the universe to solve it and jump into this magical ocean of Change, Because gratitude will simply change your world!




Note: Many mental & spiritual excercises will be share here which wont consume more than 15 minutes of your day. So if you are busy, thats fine, Still Join us, The work will be equal to taking breaths, I believe you can gift yourself this much. Come on & Jump in!




Date: 21st August- 10thSept'17
EE: 555/- ( Introductory Price only for this time)
Venue: Whatsapp


Beware you are just about to enter the awesome zone by enrolling it!
Clock's Ticking!
Limited Enrollments Only


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