Sale Date Ended
Training Options Duration: 60 Minutes
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 | 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Overview: Physicians and Managers today are feeling the stress of many aspects of running the practice and this can lead to many forms of "Practice Management Hypertension". This workshop will provide tips to lower your blood pressure and resultant anxiety to successfully navigate the business side of the practice. Most medical schools never teach physicians in residency about the business principles. It is just as important to invest in education about the business side of medical practice throughout your career as the clinical aspects.
Why should you Attend: Physicians and Managers are experiencing burnout at high rates due to the issues covered in this webinar. Learn how to avoid a spike in blood pressure with strategies and practical tips to cope with the business side of the practice.
Areas Covered in the Session:
EMR Hypertension
Health Care Reform Hypertension
Cash Flow Hypertension
Malpractice Hypertension
Personnel and Labor Law Hypertension
Medicare Fraud and Abuse Hypertension
OSHA/HIPAA Compliance Hypertension
Mergers, Acquisitions, Foundations, Practice Integration Hypertension
IPA/Health Plan interaction Hypertension
Physician/ Manager Burnout Hypertension
Who Will Benefit:
Physician Assistants
Nurse Practitioners
Healthcare Managers
Speaker Profile
Debra Phairas is President of Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC a nationally recognized firm specializing in practice management and malpractice prevention. Her background includes medical clinic administration and loss prevention management for NORCAL Mutual, a physician malpractice insurance carrier in Northern California. Her BS is from Michigan State University and her graduate work at Golden Gate Univeristy San Francisco MBA Health Services Administration program.
Her consulting experience includes over 1,800 practices of all sizes and specialties. Typical engagements include: practice start-ups, practice assessments, mergers, financial analysis, revenue enhancement, overhead reduction, personnel management, over 400 practice valuations, expert witness, partnership issues and recruitment support for hospitals and physician groups. She has presented seminars and lectures nationwide for state and local medical/dental associations, management organizations and specialty societies.
Price - $139
Contact Info:
Netzealous LLC -MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
Webinar Sponsorship: