General Admission
Sale Date Ended
Training Options Duration: 60 Minutes
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 | 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Overview: The HIPAA Rules are frequently misunderstood and inadvertently violated. However, HIPAA Rules are easy to follow, step-by-step, when you know the steps. This session will explain exactly how a health care provider's designated HIPAA Compliance Official can find the right steps for each HIPAA compliance topic and how the health care provider can review and be assured the practice is up to date and in compliance with the HIPAA Rules.
Why should you Attend: HIPAA can be complicated but this session provides practical solutions and answers to everyday problems you can understand. This session covers the HIPAA Privacy, Security, Breach Notification and Enforcement Rule compliance requirements for health care providers in plain language.
Using practical, everyday examples
Step-by-Step, with
PowerPoint presentations and interactive exercises
Areas Covered in the Session:
Fundamentals of HIPAA
HIPAA in Context - Brief History
Why is HIPAA Important?
The Four HIPAA Rules
Roadmap to HIPAA Compliance
HHS's Top HIPAA Compliance Concerns and How to Address Them
Risk Analysis - Risk Management
Business Associate - Vendor Management
Patient Access to their own Protected Health Information (PHI)
Permitted Uses and Disclosures of PHI with and without an Authorization
HIPAA Risk Analysis and Risk Management Explained and Demonstrated
Risk Analysis and Risk Management - a 3 Act Play
Live Demonstration of Risk Analysis - Risk Management, step-by-step that staff can do
Patient Engagement - New Patient Attraction
Web Sites and Social Media - Use them effectively - and comply with HIPAA
Email and Text Messaging Patients - the 3 Step Safe Harbor to protect health care providers and Patients
Dealing with Online Reviews
Who Will Benefit:
Health Care Practice Owners
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Compliance Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Compliance Official
Risk Management Director
HIPAA Compliance Official
HIPAA Privacy Officer
HIPAA Security Officer
Information Technology Supervisor
General Counsel - Associate General Counsel
Certified Public Accountant
Speaker Profile
Paul R. Hales received his Juris Doctor degree from Columbia University Law School and is licensed to practice law before the Supreme Court of the United States. He is an expert on HIPAA Privacy, Security, Breach notification and Enforcement Rules with a national HIPAA consulting practice based in St. Louis. Paul is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool, an Internet-based, Software as a Service product for health care providers and business associates.
Price - $139
Contact Info:
Netzealous LLC -MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
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