Book Online Tickets for Superstudent Workshop, Hyderabad. BE THE WINNER IN SCHOOL AND CHAMPION OF YOUR LIFE
Superstudent Workshop is a unique program exclusively for school students to help them to cope up different challenges faced by them in schools, in academics, in peer group and in personal life.

Superstudent Workshop


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About The Event


Superstudent Workshop is a unique program exclusively for school students to help them to cope up different challenges faced by them in schools, in academics, in peer group and in personal life. This workshop is designed in such a way that it covers all the aspects of student's life and focuses on overall improvement of students.

In these days school students have a lot pressure from all sides. Pressure from school to behave as a good student, pressure from parents to score 99.99% marks in all subjects, pressure from peer group to play and enjoy. In this scnerio students become more stressed and health problem starts to occur. As a result many students neither score good marks nor they maintain good health and behaviour in life. There are some students who lose even their life due to stress and anxiety.

To solve this problem this workshop is designed to help them to score better marks, to face exam witout any fear and anxiety, to speak and talk with confidence, to cope up any type of stress they face, to behave better in life, to become a superstuent and a better human being.

Key Learning

  1. Super-power memeory technique
  2. Study Skills to study more in less time
  3. Facing Exam with confidence
  4. Mind mapping and other memory tecniques
  5. Inter-personal relationship for better behaviour
  6. Revision tecnique to make study easier
  7. Concentration and mind control technique
  8. Time management in school, home and exam hall
  9. Goal setting and planning
  10. Many more effectice learning

Timing: 4.30PM to 7.30PM

Duration: 30 Apr to 6 May

Trainer: Sanjay Shail (CLC, DTM)

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