What is the key secret that makes some people successful and we mean really successful compared to most people that you see around? Are they smarter or do they work harder? Are they risk takers or have powerful and influential friends?
Scientific Researches over the years studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. Success Multiplier Experience is a 2-hour session that encapsulates the list of 10 Secrets to Success, that is simple to follow and easy to implement to get to the levels of success that you dream of.
While sharing these secrets to Success, the challenge is, after a couple of months, you may forget about the secrets and they will fall by the wayside. And so will your actions towards your goals. That’s why we have developed a highly interactive and experiential session for Educational Institutes, Management Colleges, Professional organizations, SME bodies and Corporate Companies. This is the first critical element in accomplishing extraordinary success and getting under the skin of how world’s top successful people win at their success game.
At the Success Multiplier Experience, you will learn a step by step approach to multiplying your success @ work and in personal life. Your people also get an opportunity to choose to participate and enroll in proprietary tools of Campus to Corporate programs (C2C Programs are customized for Students) and Survival to Abundance Programs (S2A Programs are specially created for Working Professionals, SMEs, Start-up Entrepreneurs, and Corporates)
Success Multiplier Experience session is a power packed session priced @ Rs.50,000/- for an audience up to 100 no.s and can be organized at a time and venue convenient to you. The only condition is that you have a community of people who are committed to redefining what success means to them and willing to take on the required steps.
INVITATIONAL BONUS: You can request the session for FREE if you are from one of the following domains:
Just book with a click below and mention your desired date and venue on the order form. You can also call Ms.Vani on +91 9819013825 or simply drop an email to vani@programmingforsuccess.com and we would be happy to share with you and your success enthusiasts that promise to make a real difference in each of your life.