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In this era, availability of information for decision making has augmented exponentially and same pattern even with higher intensity seems to be continued. Thus, one of the most important skill today, for every scientist, manager and researcher is to be confident and competent in analyzing this enormous data and drawing conclusions by converting these data into information and knowledge in order to improve their decision making. This program will facilitate participants to acquire this vital skill by using statistical analysis software package SPSS, which is widely used software in almost all the sectors. For research scholars too it is magical software to aid them in analyzing the research data.
OBJECTIVES: The major objectives of this workshop are:
To familiarize participants on how to present, analyze and interpret data using the statistical analysis software package SPSS.
To undertake deive analysis using SPSS
To impart the knowledge of decision making techniques among the practitioners.
. Introduction to SPSS for Data Analysis: 18th February’ 2017 | Venue: Gandhi Institute for Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar, India
. Advance SPSS: TBA (To Be Announced)
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