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Must attend social media marketing one day workshop!
Looking for careers in Digital Marketing? Do you own small-medium business? Do you have start-up firm? Want to grow as a personal brand? Or simply want to work from home & grow? Then you should enroll for this one day workshop which is designed for beginners & starters.
No need to be a Technical Person, just all you need to know How to use your Smart Phone to get into business, Learn & Earn!
This Workshop Includes -
Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Introduction To Different Social Media Marketing
Facebook Marketing Starting From Scratch
Twitter Marketing
Google Plus Page Creation , Local Business Registration
Google Plus Marketing
Pinterest Introduction
Pinterest Marketing
Instagram Marketing
Youtube Introduction How To Create Chanel & Other You Tube Features
Bonus * - Content Distribution
How To use Content Effectively on Social Media Platforms
Who Can Attend -
Career Beginners
College Students
Small- Medium Business Owners
Working Professionals
Marketing Professionals
People Looking For Digital Marketing Career
Things Required
Laptops & Smartphones