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SHASHAKT is a scientifically designed program to make men and women safe at any place with ‘
Street Smart Martial Art’ that includes anti-kidnapping, anti-theft and anti-rape techniques too.
Key features of the program (But Why??)
-Importance of Self Defense
Everybody feels that self-defense is important but how to understand its priority?
-Introduce Participants to their Hidden Physical Strength
Everyone need to be re-introduced to their body-parts and their uses especially to protect themselves.
-Understanding of Criminal Mindset
Criminals target mostly women, children and old-age people, why? What is in their mind?
-When and how they find their target?
-Precautionary measures in day to day life
What are the DOs and DON’Ts of a safe life and how to make it a daily habit?
-How to Respond and not React in odd situations (Mental Grooming)
When you react you lose control then how to respond in unimaginable risky situations.
-What to do in wrong situations
Learn to get out of any situation and save your life.
-Demonstration of Street Fight Techniques in Real Life Scenarios
-How to deal with Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment are very common these days. It can be on the
road, in the transport,in a mall, lift or at any public place,educational
institutes or workplace. What are the options we have?