Book Online Tickets for Savitri, New Delhi.  4th Dimension present\'s.
\'\' Savitri \'\'a realistic play by eminent Marathi playwright Jawyant Dalvi .The play portrays the complex relationships between the characters using the fabric of the constant changing image of women in the early br



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 4th Dimension present's.

'' Savitri ''a realistic play by eminent Marathi playwright Jawyant Dalvi .The play portrays the complex relationships between the characters using the fabric of the constant changing image of women in the early breeze of feminism and women empowerment. The play brief s the idea of marriage and live-in­ relationships of different couples by presenting a paradox about the ''expected and the reality '' between the relationship of husband and wife. 

'Savitri' the central character of the story, who right from her childhood is subjected to embarrassment, hat red and is always kept under the radar of doubt by her very own family. Even after years later, her married life gets in jeopardy as her past kept coming back to her which although exactly had nothing to do with 'her'. Her husband despite of being a learned man and a professor by profession follows an ort hodox approach when it comes to his wife's growth h and identity of her own. 

What is the  final stage of love?   ''Marriage''...Are arranged marriages meant to last long? If  so what’s in the case of savitri ? How should she deal with a past, which is not even the result of her own deeds? What should she do, leave that past behind? Or should she take it as it comes like her dest ined fate? 

The writer raises certain question through this story by a lens to understand the prism of the society 'we live in' by touching the arenas of relationships, faith, sanctity of marriage between a husband and a wife, friendship, strength, patriarchy, woman's subjected sexuality along with the whole idea of right and wrong.

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