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Inviting all mothers of children below 4 years to a weekend where you can flow with rhythm, movement with loads of joy at Vision Rainbow on 16th March 2019 from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m.
This is very relevant to the kind of connection and fun you can have with your child during their formative years.
Do you remember - What was it like to listen to the rhymes you did as a child?
Can you imagine - What would it be like if the rhymes you heard as a child were on things you could actually touch and see?
Contemplate on what kind of rhymes do you sing or listen with your child now?
Do you wish for meaning and connection when you sing a rhyme for your child?
About "Rhymes Day"
A bunch of people dove deep into the world of rhymes and meaning and came up with rhymes based on real life themes. There is no element of glamour or make believe. The rhymes are on 10 different themes ranging from plants, family, body parts, animals, concepts , nature, musical instruments, objects, letters of the alphabet.
About the facilitator
Areefa Ahmed - co-creator at Vision Rainbow is a song enthusiast send enjoys mixing meaning, learning and music together. She is a natural at creating joy in everyday occurrences.