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Collaborating to Win the Connected Consumer
Retail is a team endeavour, with collaboration being an essential ingredient in its success. Working with various partners — internal as well as external — has become more critical today than ever before because of the constantly changing market dynamics. Winning over the tech-savvy, 24/7 connected consumer requires the retailer to have a transparent agile supply chain, omni-channel capabilities, a digital-ready workforce and mobile-first strategy, in addition to other new-age wherewithal.
Every retail organisation seeking to satisfy today’s customers, innovate and stay profitable, will need to work with a wide range of external partners, including competitors. Research establishes an 81% co-relation between collaboration in business and innovation.
Collaboration is the need of the hour, the way ahead for all. And it’s an absolute must to not just delight but win over the Connected Consumer. It’s as Henry Ford said: "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."