Book Online Tickets for Python Programming, Bengaluru. Note : Python is one of the most popular programming language now a days. Leaning Python is certainly going to increase Job Opportunity for any one. This course will have many multiple choice questions and Interview questions which will help fresher

Python Programming


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Note : Python is one of the most popular programming language now a days. Leaning Python is certainly going to increase Job Opportunity for any one. This course will have many multiple choice questions and Interview questions which will help fresher or experienced in Python interview or job search.  

Python Basic :
•    Introduction to Python.
•    Python Shell.
•    IDLE
•    Spyder
•    IPython.
•    Jupyter Notebook.
•    Introduction to Anaconda.
•    Data type in Python .
•    Operators in python.
•    Indentation.

Collections  in  python:
•    List
◦    Introduction to List
◦    List operations
◦    List Comprehensions
•    Dictionary
◦    Introduction to Dictionary
◦    Dictionaries operations
•    Set
◦    Introduction to Set
◦    Set Operations
•    Tuples
◦    Introduction to Tuples
◦    Tuples Operations

Conditionals and Looping
•    Introduction to conditionals
•    if
•    if and else
•    if elif and else
•    Introduction to looping
•    for loop
•    while loop
•    break
•    continue
•    pass

•    Introduction to Strings
•    String Operations

Functions and Package:
•    Inbuilt Functions
•    User Defined Functions and its definition
•    return statement
•    Local and global variables
•    None type variables
•    Default argument
•    Variable length arguments
•    Anonymous functions
•    Packages in python
•    Writing packages
•    importing packages

IO in python
•    Reading from and writing to console.
•    Reading from a file
•    Difference between read() and readLine() function.
•    Writing to a file
•    Reading and Writing csv (Comma Separated Files)
•    Reading and Writing JSON files.
•    Reading pdf files
•    Reading and writing excel files.

Regular Expressions.
•    Introduction to regular expression.
•    Introduction to re module.
•    Searching a pattern .
•    Search and replace.

Some useful packages in Python
•    os
◦    Joining path
◦    Creating new directory
◦    Absolute and relative path
◦    File size
◦    Getting content of a folder
•    shutil
◦    Copying files and directories
◦    Deleting files and directories
◦    Renaming files and directories

Class and Objects :
•    Class in Python
•    Understanding Class creation.
•    Instance and class variables.
•    Class, static, instance and magic methods.
•    Constructors
•    Objects
•    Inheritance
•    Multiple and Multiple level Inheritance
•    Method resolution Order
•    Namespace

Exception handling in python :
•    Introduction to exception
•    Raising Exception
•    try and except
•    Different type of exception
•    Multiple except
•     Role of finally
•    try, except and finally together
•    assert

Python and MySQL :
•    Introduction to RDBMS and MySQL.
•    MySQL databases and tables.
•    Inserting Data into MySQL.
•    Python and RDBMS.
•    MySQL and MySQLDB.
•    Python and MySQL table read insert and other database operations.

Iterator in Python
•    Introduction to Iterator
•    Iterator Protocol
•    Making an object iterable
•    Introduction to Generators
•    Difference between yield and return
•    Use of Generator and Iterator

Decorator in Python
•    Introduction to Decorator
•    Type of decorator
•    Decorating a Function using decorator
•    Decorating a Class using decorator
•    Making a class callable

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