Book Online Tickets for Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, Hyderabad. The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage students and working professionals to love computer programming and pursue careers in programming languages. We will together learn the beauty of programming and make learning easy and fun. We wi

Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop


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About The Event

The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage students and working professionals to love computer programming and pursue careers in programming languages. We will together learn the beauty of programming and make learning easy and fun. We will practice writing programs together using Python programming language.

Why should one learn programming language???

1. Programming is a basic literacy in the digital age: We are living in a very different world today. Cellphones, computers, Youtube, Netflix, and Facebook are embedded in our daily lives. It is one thing to know how to use these technologies. It’s another, however, to understand the logic behind them. We must be able to not only passively consume this technology, but also to understand and control it, becoming an active part of this huge digital shift.

2. Programming can change the world: For the last several centuries, people relied on the written word to spread ideas. The ability to write was the ability to create change. Today, writing is not enough. To change behavior, it is crucial to leverage the digital medium. We’re seeing all around us that programming is changing the world.

3. “You have an idea for then next big innovation? Great. Can you bring it to life?” - Everyone has ideas. Only a select few can make them happen. The ability to code separates those who merely have an idea from those who can make their ideas a reality. If you want to be a thinker and innovator who can bring ideas to life, learn how to program.

4. Programming doesn’t have to be hard to learn: In fact, we at Replay makes it a straightforward process. Come and see yourself to believe. With just a computer, you can learn programming skills to build things that could change the world.


Participants are requested to bring their laptops to do hands-on learning.


For any queries, call us at - 8008 101 590


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