Book Online Tickets for  Physical Theatre Workshop, New Delhi. The Production Oriented Expressive Arts Workshops are  intended to prepare participants to experience, expand and hone their professional skill as a performer, practitioners of meditation, Yoga and holistic mind-body interventions; int

Physical Theatre Workshop


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About The Event

The Production Oriented Expressive Arts Workshops are  intended to prepare participants to experience, expand and hone their professional skill as a performer, practitioners of meditation, Yoga and holistic mind-body interventions; interested to improve their understanding of applied and theoretical aspects of theater, dance, movement, Meditation in their existing practices.

DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM Mindfulness training through Various Expressive arts  include Physical  active mediation methodology of all our workshops. The mindfulness is the main component that engages stimuli  with  your Reactions, Expressions, Feelings, &  Awareness. As an experiential practitioner we know that breathing correctly is the secret to any physical and spiritual practice, it moves the body’s energy in response to stimuli, it forms deeper bonding between body, soul, and spirit ( read Breath).

Proven Benefits One Week Production Oriented Expressive Arts Workshop Include:

DElotus | Flowering of Innate Human Potential TM This  1 week Production Oriented Expressive Arts Workshop is an artistic & Meditative  approach that can support an absolute beginner to articulate his/her  unique individual methodology to cultivate new  Skills, Strengthen,  Level Of Technique, Self-Confidence Artistry, Tools And  Necessary amplified understanding to Reach their Innate Potential. And end of workshop final discussions, open debate, QnA , group and individual performances .

  • One Week Of Full Creative & Meditative Immersion
  • Meeting Of Like-Minded People
  • Safe Space To Explore, Experience & Realise
  • Intensive Specialized Training On Physical Theater Tools, Butoh, Storytelling, Movements, Mime, Expressive Arts, Various Meditative Martial Arts, Yoga, Meditative Methods, Etc.
  • Meisner , cold-reading, Techniques of  Biomechanics, Psycho-Physical Awareness, Psychological  gestures,  Theater Games from Jerzy Grotowski & Augusto Boal with other  many modern art techniques. 
    Earlier experience in performing arts or therapy  or mindfulness, drama, theatre , dance and any other art related work is required but NOT necessary . the prerequisites are the deep desire to communicate,  collaborate and create together .

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