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Open Source India (OSI) is the premier Open Source conference in Asia targeted at nurturing and promoting the Open Source ecosystem in the subcontinent. Started as Linux Asia in 2004, OSI has been at the helm of bringing together the Open Source industry and the community since its inception. The 13th edition of OSI this year aims to take this event a notch higher by focusing on the Open Source ecosystem.
In the last few years, Open Source has changed the face of computing more than anyone would have thought possible. Most of the people in the IT industry would agree that these changes are the most important ones in computing since IBM contracted Microsoft to write an operating system for their personal computers.
The goal of OSI is to convince you to consider using Open Source when you’re looking for software, using quantitative measures and NOT because these are cost free (which most of the times, they aren’t).
OSI emphasizes quantitative measures (such as use case experiments and case studies) to justify why using OSS is, in many circumstances, a reasonable or even superior approach.