Entry for 1 (one) day Unlimited Access to all Workshops, Seminars and Cultural Events Meet and Greet...
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Do you ever get the feeling that you are just one among the hundreds breaking their backs for your company? Ever wondered about your transformation from a charming, energetic rock star into a boring, worn out typing machine? Are you somebody who is finding it hard to manage your personal and professional life? Do you realize that you are sometimes a time bomb that is power packed with a lot of stress, anxiety, anger, and disappointment? The answer is clear and that’s why we are here to tell you, how ‘The One Day Corporate Wellness Program’ can change your life into something that you have always been dreaming about.
We are not talking about personality development classes or motivational speeches. We are implying to a personal and professional transformation through the perfect set of hacks that can lead you to the pursuit of happiness. This One Day event offers Yoga for physical and mental fitness, Healing sessions for trauma relief, Mystical Meditation for stress management and emotion control, Enlightening Satsang, Restoration through Yoga Nidra, Workshops on Workplace Wellness, Interactive Seminars, Networking Session with corporate employees and seekers from various countries, Group Activities, Cultural Programs and various other interesting events. The titles might not be appealing as a free walk-in weekend party. But we promise you a life changing experience and a lot of friends, all within a day. Dedicating one day for yourself wouldn’t cost you a fortune; does it?
This one day workshop is conducted as a part of the International Festival of Yogic Heritage (IFYH), a five-day celebration of yoga and spirituality, that will see the union of luminaries like Sri Sri Ravishankar, Mooji Baba (Via Livestream), Pilot Baba, Swami Brahmdev and many more spiritual saints, Yoga Legends and seekers from around the world.
Mooji Baba
Swami Brahmdev
Paramaguru R. Sharath jois
Madhav Kirti Das
Vijay Gopala
Bipin Baloni
Awahoshi Kavan
The event will be held at Sri Suttur Math, Mysuru. Nestled at the base of Chamundi Hills, Sri Suttur Math, is an amazingly beautiful architectural marvel spread over 15 acres of land. It is the abode of spirituality and wisdom in Mysuru. With a long history of more than one thousand years, the Math is a multidimensional institution that has contributed immensely to the cause of societal advancement.The Math is built in harmony with nature and is blessed with pure mountain air. The Math has open grounds, indoor halls and above all, a tranquil ambiance. The Math is approximately 3km from the heart of the city and is well connected by road. There will be free shuttles that connect the venue and the hotels to make the commute easier for our participants.
Sri Suttur Math – Mysore Branch
Chamundi Foot Hills, Gundurao Nagar, Chamundipuram, Mysuru, Karnataka 570025
We know that it ain’t easy when life is all red signals, endless emails, monthly targets, no- clue- what- happened hangovers, and end-before- you- know weekends. You deserve a break and this one-day getaway is the quickest way to put you back in the driving seat. Book Your Spot before you lose it. Seats Filling Fast As You Read!