Introduction to Odissi
Born in the temples of Odisha, Odissi classical dance is renowned for its excellent mélange of Abhinaya (acting) and Nritta (dance).
Poetry and music harmoniously embellish this graceful dance form.
Students of ‘Our Sacred Space’ present “An Odissi Dance Evening” on November 25th at Our Sacred Space, Secunderabad.
Mangala Charan – Ganesh Vandana
This marks the Odissi dancer’s entry on the stage as he/she invokes the blessings of Lord Jagannath for an auspicious beginning.
This is followed by a salutation to Mother Earth, The Teacher, to the Accompanists and to the Audience.
The dancer then prays to Lord Ganesha, remover of all obstacles, for his blessings.
Raag – Megh and Kedar
Taal – Chaturasra Ekataal
Music – Pandit Bhubaneshwar Mishra
Choreography – Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra
Ganga Taranga
I serve Lord Vishwanatha, the master of Varanasi, who has matted hair, beautified by the waves of Ganga, the body adorned by Mother Gauri, who is dear to Narayana, who is the destroyer of the pride of Cupid, who has emerged from the very source of bliss, who is one with the serpents, who transcends all the attributes, being the very embodiment of the ‘Atma’ (Supreme Principle).
Raag – Kedar
Taal – Ekataal
Music – Pandit Bhubaneshwar Mishra
Choreography – Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra
Krishna Leela
All the sweet, naughty and lovely moments between Krishna and Radha is depicted through Abhinaya.
Raag – Rupak
Taal – Rupak
Music – Sura Kishore Mohanty
Choreography – Guru Braj Mohanty
Saveri Pallavi
Pallavi is pure dance or Nritta. Pallavi literally means “blossoming”. Pallavi starts with slow, graceful and lyrical movements of the eyes, neck, torso and feet, and slowly builds into a crescendo to a climax in a fast tempo at the end.
Raag – Saveri
Taal – Aditaal
Music – Sura Kishore Mohanty
Choreography – Guru Braj Mohanty
Mahishasura Mardhini
Maa Durga is a primitive source of all power. She resides with many qualities and powers and is known by various names. Mahishasura was the king of Asuras, who defeated the Gods and drove them out of heaven. Maa Durga then defeats demon Mahishasura.
“Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu” – To that Devi in all beings, who is reflected as consciousness.
“Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namah”
Salutations to her
Salutations to her
Salutations to her
Salutations to her again and again
Verses from Devi Suktam from Durga Saptashati
Taal – Ektaal
Music – Pandit Bhubaneshwar Mishra
Choreography – Guru Ranbir Charan Swain
Srita Kamala (Abhinaya)
Poet Sri Jayadev describes beautifully Sri Krishna’s appearance, virtues, deeds and glory in this auspicious benediction.
Victory to Sri Hari, who adorns ear rings and the Tulasi garland and who is delightful in the embrace of goddess Lakshmi.
Victory to Krishna, the annihilator of demon Madhu, Mura and Narakasura, who’s vehicle is Garuda and. He who makes devatas happy.
Port Sri Jayadev sings this auspicious song for the delight of the Lord. Victory to Sri Hari.
Raag – Megh
Taal – Tripatha
Music – Guru Braj Mohanty
Choreography – Guru Debaprasad Das