This event pits the best against the best on the cultural stage. The name says it all and if you think you have mastered the instrument of your choice, Not just that, this also tests your creativity and sees if you can come up with your own tune to wow us.
Date : 20th , 21st and 22nd of January 2017
Venue : IIT Hyderabad Permanent Campus
Prizes : worth Rs 8000
This being a solo competition allows no more than one person per team.
Registration: On the spot/Online.
Duration of each performance in the first round: 6 min (empty stage to empty stage).
Duration of each performance in the second round: as long as the backing track lasts (empty stage to empty stage).
There will be two categories. Melody and percussion instruments.
Round 1
Participants will be given 6 minutes to play anything they want.
Based on the scores of the first round 2 participants from each category progresses into the second round.
Overshooting the time limit will result in a penalty.
Round 2
*The second round will be a face-off between the top two from each category. i.e. the first in melody vs the second in melody and similarly for percussion.
After qualification after the first round, the finalists will be given tracks to play over. i.e., the melody finalists will be given tracks with percussion to play over and vice-versa. This will be done to ensure fair judging .