Book Online Tickets for Mushroom Picking Workshop, New Jersey. Picking mushrooms is one of the greatest hobbies. Not only you learn about nature and spend time outdoors, but you get to pick your food. It\'s local, natural and delicious! The best time to pick mushrooms is a couple of days after a big rain, so it

Mushroom Picking Workshop


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Picking mushrooms is one of the greatest hobbies. Not only you learn about nature and spend time outdoors, but you get to pick your food. It's local, natural and delicious! The best time to pick mushrooms is a couple of days after a big rain, so it is recommendable to keep updated about the weather for Android about the local precipitation. (Sponsored by Apalon) In a mushroom picking workshop, you can learn all about poisonous and edible mushrooms and where to find them.


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