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As studied and researched that there is no full proof method for building relationships. Relationships are like glass, we need to handle them with utmost care. If you notice, people do confront various types of love in various type of relationship- and it can be handled brilliantly if we use patience and dedication to get it on right track. Most of the times, we do not consider the need to display emotions, show affection, exhibit love- we keep hiding or surpassing or take it for granted. We need to understand that this is the most important and essential human need to survive.
To add onto this, in many of my sessions and Practitioner Course, participants kept asking me that how can us use Neuro Linguistic Programming to improve relationship with our spouse.
Here is the answer to some of the questions with our specially designed program for couple of all ages – “Rediscovering Your Relationship”
So, how does a relationship become more lovable?
One major factor is more communication & other factor which will really help you in improving and long-lasting relationships is NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming.
What is NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming is a mother of all skills related behaviors. It teaches us life lessons very simply and beautifully to improve any kind of relationship with its simple techniques.
What is Rediscovering Your Relationship Program?
We here will learn and practice some of the NLP techniques which can get your relationship upto next level and yes, we promise you on that. Here are some of the NLP best practices & techniques which we will go through the entire day around the mountains of Mulshi river:
•Knowing How Neuro Linguistics Programming helps in understanding relationships
•Breathing Techniques- how it can also change the state of the partner
•Understanding Your Partner Representational System
•Building Rapport with Matching & Mirroring
•Helping each other to walk over the fear & Phobias with Classic Phobia NLP technique
•Learning Partner Swish Technique
•Extras - Music, Dance, Fun & Games
So, what are you couples waiting for? Don't think over it; just go for it and I guarantee you couples that this will be one of the most enjoyable journey you will ever experience.
This is a must - A day well spent with a blend of fun, learn and great bonding all around at a romantic place near Mulshi Lake.
Let's get ready to get to know our relationships closely & enjoy lifetime relationships.
About the Trainer:
Ridhima Dua is a trainer & founder of iFlame Consulting. She has trained 4000+ people and is on a mission to train/transform 1 million people and create magic and change their lifes. She believes that mind is capable to train anything you love.
She carries 11+ years of experience in ITes and training industry.She is a certified Master’s NLP & Trainer from NFNLP, USA, IAO certified Trainer with specialization in facilitation skills, Certified from American Tesol Institute for behavioral skills & Grow more Business & Executive Coach, ICF (US Approved).
For more info, please check:
Some of the photos captured from awareness program done on NLP, Pune at Dastur School. This happened on 11th & 12 th July'17. Check on our website:
Our video:
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Check trainer's profile on by searching her name as "Ridhima Dua"
Some of the testimonials:
Ridhima Dua Practicing Relaxation & Gratitude exercise:
If you want to spend time with yourself and for yourself then get ready and pull your socks because universe is asking you to Act NOW & CHANGE.
GRATITUDE to your soul who is saying YES I want to Change NOW...
I am not promising you a perfect world, however, I can promise you to meet yourself and adventure, live and experience this journey called “LIFE” by loving it.