Book Online Tickets for MINDSIGHT-GOAL SETTING, Mumbai. Highly motivated people, although admirable in their ambition, often fail to recognize the strategies that make smart goal setting. Set your goals too high and you may be indefinitely trapped in a web of frustration. Set them too low and you will ine



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Highly motivated people, although admirable in their ambition, often fail to recognize the strategies that make smart goal setting. Set your goals too high and you may be indefinitely trapped in a web of frustration. Set them too low and you will inevitable lose your prized motivation.

This is a highly relevant field of discussion especially in a high-achieving urban setting like Mumbai. The Goal Setting workshop at Mindsight Clinic covers skills that make world class performers such as effective planning and targeting, where the goals are set such that ultimately the process of winning them is what changes and develops you as a person, and not merely the setting or getting of it.

Process trumps product, and Mindsight Clinic recognizes what needs to be done for motivated individuals to recognize this, and capitalize on their own opportunities in life.

Certification Provided.

Note: Only 5 individuals per batch.

Emphasis: Throughout the course, the focus of training is to enhance the process of achieving goals.

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