Book Online Tickets for Microsoft Office Expert-Excel Certificat, Hyderabad. Register for 6 hours of Excel Expert Training and receive a globally valid Microsoft certificate in Excel signed by Satya Nadella.
Excel Expert is the next level of specialist which demonstrates that you are a power user of excel.
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Microsoft Office Expert-Excel Certification (for power users)


  • Excel Training with expert certificatiom

    Microsoft Office Expert-Excel Certification (Free Training)

    Sale Date Ended

    INR 1500
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About The Event

Register for 6 hours of Excel Expert Training and receive a globally valid Microsoft certificate in Excel signed by Satya Nadella.

Excel Expert is the next level of specialist which demonstrates that you are a power user of excel.

For a limited time this certification is available for a discount price of just 1500 rupees. Get a 6 hours of action packed training on the advance concepts of excel. Take a look at the below contents.

  1. Absolute and Relative References
  2. Index, Match and Vlookup
  3. Text Functions (Mid, find, left, right, len)
  4. Nested IF, CountIfs ,SumIfs, AverageIfs, SumProduct
  5. Dependent validation using defined names and Indirect function
  6. Multiple uses of Tables including Dynamic charts
  7. Combination Charts, Waterfall Charts, Bubble Chart, Sparklines
  8. Offset Function uses.
  9. Scenario Manager, Goal Seek and Data Table.
  10. Pivot Dashboard with multiple slicers and pivot charts


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