Registration for Webinar for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs by Micro Incept Technologies Pvt Ltd
Sale Date Ended
Ecommerce Overview :
The most amazing aspect of e-commerce is its ability to impact sales and marketing efforts immediately. By going online, suddenly a neighborhood bakery or a homebased consulting service expands its reach to a national, or even international base of potential customers. Web-based sales know no international boundaries.
Forrester Research, which analyzes online trends and statistics, projects the online retail market for U.S. businesses to be $230 billion by 2008. That's a full 10 percent of anticipated total U.S. retail sales.
Not only is the internet increasing the number of potential customers that a company can reach, but it's also driving profitability, according to research from IPSOS, commissioned by PayPal. The survey discovered that, far from being an extra "expense," internet operations boosted businesses' bottom lines.
About the Event by Micro Incept Technologies Pvt Ltd :