Sale Date Ended
Grab your valentine season passes before 17th of february.
Sale Date Ended
These sessions will be spread across 5 Saturdays from 10am to 12pm.
This course is the perfect go-to for all those people with brilliant but dormant ideas. Whether you want to open a boutique or have a completely brand new idea for a start-up, the team of Metamorphosis has experienced entrepreneurs to guide you through an easy and foolproof way to begin your entrepreneurial journey. Corporate individuals who want to be intrapreneurs and lead new projects within the company should definitely go through this course as it teaches how to turn an idea or a business concept into reality.
Work on real time case studies and meet the best entrepreneurs of Hyderabad. These activity based, fun interactive sessions are a total bestseller with people from all backgrounds.
For any queries, feel free to contact us:
Shrey Arora