Book Online Tickets for Meet Saurav and Learn about Book Publish, Hyderabad. Most aspiring authors think there’s some kind of magic behind writing and that successful authors are somehow different to the rest of us. That they’ve been blessed by God with unnatural skills.
But NOTHING could be further from the truth

Meet Saurav and Learn about Book Publishing


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About The Event

Most aspiring authors think there’s some kind of magic behind writing and that successful authors are somehow different to the rest of us. That they’ve been blessed by God with unnatural skills.

But NOTHING could be further from the truth.

I have read books ABOUT great authors, like biographies, letter collections and diaries. And after reading many of these the conclusion I came to was this:

There’s no MAGIC.

Moreover, talent really doesn’t play a role. It’s not about being TALENTED.

What I discovered is that it’s mostly hard work and working systematically.

Great writers were willing to practice their craft – sometimes for decades – before getting good.

They were willing to sit down and write every day. To polish and revise their work until it GLITTERED.

And most importantly, they were willing to keep going until they made it.

All of these things are far more important than talent, lucky breaks, knowing the right people or some kind of ephemeral magic. And if you’re willing to put in the work you’ll also make it.

At Ekapress, we’ve done the hard work. From character creation, to plotting, inserting tension into your work and getting published we’ve learnt how it’s done.

And if you want to take advantage of our hard work then get in touch with us, then this Workshop will be useful for you. 

Saurav, an established author and expert of his field comes to Replay Social cafe to interact with upcoming authors and writers. Saurav has published over 10 books in last 10 years. His understands the publishing industry very well and now he wants to share his knowledge with others so that everyone can realize their dreams of being a published author. Now, Saurav is on a mission, mission to create authors in India and so that world will hear Indians voice.

We are organizing a day long session, his second at Replay Social Cafe, Kondapur. In this day long session, he is going to:

1. Share tips and tricks of publishing

2. Share his knowledge of what sells in the market

3. What to write and how to write your upcoming Bestseller

4. Become a well-known author

5. Get FREE ISBN Number - All the attendees will get a ISBN number that means you dont have to look for a publisher for your next book. Saurav will promote your book as well.

6. Lunch will be provided

7. Get all your queries answered regarding the publishing world

You can get your laptop and the your content which you want to publish. Saurav will provide you step by step guide to how to publish.

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