Come Join Us For Upcoming 12 Days – 100 Hours – Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course In Rishikesh, India – 14th November – Till 25th November 2017
Would you like to earn a living through teaching meditation while
giving the gift of improved health, better relationship, inner peace, and fulfillment in life?
Become an inspiring, trusted and effective teacher or mentor trained to teach scientifically proven, time-tested traditional Indian Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Active Passive meditation Techniques with Satyam Shivam Sundaram led By Shiva Girish (a modern New Age meditation Master from India)
Who can join this Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course?
If you are looking for a more passionate, meaningful and engaging life, and you are a therapist, counseling professional, life coach, doctor, social worker, healer, Yoga teacher, or someone who wants to perform better in the field you’re already working in, and you are committed to serving others as a guide and dedicated to greater cause than just making a living, Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation Teacher Training Course is designed for you.