Book Online Tickets for Market Research and MVP Identification, Bangalore. Who Should Attend:

IT Professionals who would want to develop competency in the area of Market Research specific to Tech Products

 A Start-up enthusiast or a Tech Entrepreneur

At the end of the workshop you will be able to perfo

Market Research and MVP Identification


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About The Event

Who Should Attend:

  • IT Professionals who would want to develop competency in the area of Market Research specific to Tech Products

  •  A Start-up enthusiast or a Tech Entrepreneur


At the end of the workshop you will be able to perform market research for your company or product. This would help you to decide the features which your users and buyers of the system would prefer most. You can eliminate the less important features and decide the key features for a target market. Also, this would help you in terms of reducing the overall cost of development as well as increase in effective utilization of resources and funds. You can build an MVP of your own using the techniques taught. Additionally you will be given case studies and certificate of participation.

Demystifying Product Management:


  • Once tickets are booked, our team will be sending venue details to each participant along with pre-requisite study materials, case studies etc. for workshops via mail
  • We are conducting the workshop near Marathahalli
  • To know more about us please visit 

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