Book Online Tickets for LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - A PROFESSIONAL , gurgaon. Leadership is an oft-repeated buzzword in almost every context of business, sports and public life. While leaders are trusted with huge resources and corresponding responsibilities, its also true that they are also blamed and ridiculed disproportiona



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About The Event

Leadership is an oft-repeated buzzword in almost every context of business, sports and public life. While leaders are trusted with huge resources and corresponding responsibilities, its also true that they are also blamed and ridiculed disproportionately for any real or perceived failures. Transforming to a leadership role is hence a journey that one should take after a careful consideration. Once the journey starts there’s no looking back. One has to balance long term visionary thinking with pure execution level tactical work. A leader has to inspire his troops for great challenges and persist at the face of repeated failures or frustration. We have created this module of Leadership Course keeping in mind the beginning of Leadership journey and maturing to become a responsible leader. Apart from inspiring you for realising your hidden potential, the module also introduces you to concepts of vision, goal planning, communication, motivation and effective team management. 

Mr. Prabhakar Tiwari:

Marketing Guide | Business Coach | Startup Growth Hacker | Storyteller | Public Speaker

Mr. Prabhakar Tiwari is an alumnus of IIM – Bangalore and marketing Gold Medalist of his batch. PT’s corporate career has spanned from FMCG to FinTech. Currently he leads his own strategy consulting and business Solutions Firm The MargDarshak Inc. PT also engages actively with Advertising Club, DMAi, IAMAI, NEN and AIMA in panel discussions and judging industry awards like Effies, Emvies, Flame, Impact etc. Blessed with 15+ years of rich corporate experience, teaching is a big passion for PT.

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Flow of learning program:

1. Changing Leadership Context – Army to ‘Brother-in- Arms’

2. Leadership Styles Simplified – Task and People Orientation from (x,x) to (9,9)

3. Application of Leadership : Vision, Goal Planning, Team Management

4. Leadership Building Blocks – Initiative, Inquiry, Advocacy, Conflict

Management, Decision Making, Critique

5. Softer side of Leadership Drive 

Program Delivery:

  • Conversational style of content delivery
  • Extensive leverage of multimedia technology
  • Interactive and engaging session


  • Any Leadership Aspirant
  • Professionals
  • Businessmen
  • Students

2 hours - Saturday, 8 July 2017 : (11-1 p.m.)

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