One Dial-in One Attendee Price: $150.00
Sale Date Ended
How does the new standard impact laboratories that are already accredited and how do you ensure staff adherence and ongoing compliance to minimize corrective actions arising from accreditation audits?
Why should you Attend:
What are the changes to the technical and management requirements and how should these be addressed? This webinar will discuss the old as well as the new changes in the standard and their impact on your QMS.
Areas Covered in the Session:
Handling of customer items
Technical records
Evaluation of uncertainty of measurement
Validity of results
Reporting of results
Who Will Benefit:
Laboratory Managers
QA Managers
QC Analysts
College Student
Speaker Profile:
Michael Brodskyhas been an Environmental Microbiologist for more than 41 years. He is a Past President of the Ontario Food Protection Association and AOAC International.
Event Fee: One Dial-in One Attendee Price: $150.00