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Intrapreneurship Conclave
Building Organizations With EntrepreneurshipDNA
“Never before has there been such a push for employees to take ownership of their own corner of a company.” Fast Company
Intrapreneurship is not new to India but it’s not yet part of mainstream thinking. Since India is now part of a globalized economy, its organizations can flourish only by robust adoption of practices that drive intrapreneurship.
This conclave evangelizes intrapreneurship as the only way organizations, firms, executives and entrepreneurs can thrive in the age of VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
The conclave’s larger goal is to contribute to the discourse of crafting future organizations and how they need to be designed to succeed in a loosely connected but highly networked world.
8.30 to 9.15 Registration
9.30 to 9.45 Opening Remarks
9.45 to 10.45 Keynote by Gifford Pinchot Ten Commandments of an Intrapreneurship Organization. Road to Building the Future-ready Organization Release of White Paper: Using Intrapreneuring for Radical Cost Reduction
10.45 to 11.30 How to Spot, Recruit & Encourage Intrapreneurs, By Prof. Ranjan Das, IIM Kolkata
11.30 to 11.45 Tea
11.45 - 12.00 How Intrapreneurship Drives Innovation - By Intuit
12 - 12.30 - Case Study 1 - Fostering Innovation through Startup collaborations - By Pawanjit Singh, Mc Donald's India
12.30 - 13.00 - Case Study 2- Know how CISCO's thinkQbator enables its intraprenuers innovate better - By Chandrashekhar Raman, Cisco
13.00 - 13.15 - Founders Perspective of Intrapreneurship By Ravikiran Annaswamy, Founders Institute Bangalore Chapter
13.15 to 14.15 - Lunch
14.15 to 15.30 Workout 1 - How can I become a Star Intrapreneur? By Suraj Sudhi, SAP Labs
14.15 to 15.30 Workout 2 - Future of Work through Intrapreneur Lens - Strategies for attracting and retaining the NextGen. By Puja Kohli, Unfold Consulting - Amit Raj, Intuit Technologies - Janardhan, Dayanand Sagar Institutions
15.30 to 16.30 Panel Discussion - Transforming Organizational Culture with Intrapreneurship, Panel Members: Vidya Laxman, TESCO - Ajoy Chawla, Titan Company - Srikanth NR, Accenture India - Surya Prakash, Wipro BPS - Suhas Dutta, QuintilesIMS Moderator: Puja Kohli, Unfold Consulting
16.15 to 16.30 Closing Remarks & Networking High Tea
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