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About INCYCON–2019
National Cyber Safety and Security Standards (NCSSS) Program is an Initiative of National Cyber Defense Research Center (NCDRC), Govt. of India, New Delhi. In association with various State and Central Governments, NCDRC has taken visionary initiatives to curb and enervate the notoriously spreading cyber threats from various directions and dimensions to safeguard the Nation from the current threats in the Cyberspace towards National Security.
In association with National Cyber Defense Research Center (NCDRC), CSE & IT Departments of BVRIT-Narsapur is organizing 2-Day Faculty Development program and National Level Indian Cyber Congress (INCYCON-2019) on 26th & 27th April 2019 for Industry Professionals, faculty, research scholars and PG & UG Students from AICTE/UGC affiliated colleges. This FDP seeks to change the paradigm of how we look at digital space and security, critically assessing cyber security's impact on our country and people and its security implications.
The main objective of the 2-Day Faculty Development program (FDP) & Indian Cyber Congress (INCYCON-2019) is to train the delegates on Latest technologies and their application in Cyber Security Domain, Data Security, Cloud Security, Network Security, etc. leading to Strengthening Digital India. Also this Congress explores the boundaries of cyber security and provides the best practices to protect our Digital Critical Infrastructure where the sensitivity of the data plays a very vital role.
About SVES & BVRIT Narsapur
B.V.Raju Institute of Technology (BVRIT) was established by the eminent philanthropist (Late) Padmabhushan Dr. B.V.Raju under the aegis of Sri Vishnu Educational Society (SVES) in the year 1997. Sri Vishnu Educational Society (SVES) has been established with a vision to achieve excellence in providing education. The society has carved a place for itself in Technical Education by establishing several Engineering colleges. BVRIT is duly approved by the AICTE, New Delhi, Government of Telangana and is affiliated to JNTUH. BVRIT is accredited by NBA, NAAC and it has been conferred Autonomous Status for a period of six years from the Academic year 2014-15 by UGC New Delhi. All the Departments of BVRIT has received good financial assistance for their research projects under DST, Government of India.
B.V.Raju Institute of Technology is one of the premier Engineering Colleges of Self-Financing category in the state of Telangana. BVRIT is located in a serene atmosphere at Narsapur, Greater Hyderabad, Telangana State. The college has developed good infrastructure to suit to the need of the modern education. The institute is running with a missionary zeal to develop the Institute as ‘Centre of Excellence’ and to train human resources to international standards in the areas of Engineering & Technology. The amazing success of the institutions under SVES – Winning the Best IBM Center for Excellence, IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award, National Employability Award, Winner of The Great Mind challenge Project Contest, a record number of times for their technical wonders, MoU with EMPOWERM…etc.
Sri.K.V.Vishnu Raju, Chairman, SVES, who is an epitome of innovative thinking and plays a pivotal role in the growth of SVES from strength to strength.
About the Departments- CSE & IT
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at BVRIT was started in the year 1997 with an intake of 40. Subsequently the intake is enhanced from 40 to 60 in the academic year 1999, 90 in the academic year 2000, 120 in the academic year 2007, 180 in the academic year 2014 and 300 in the academic year 2015. The Department offers UG (B.Tech) and PG (M.Tech - CSE and SE) degrees. The Department has state of the art infrastructure and computing equipment supported by high speed internet and wireless networks.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is renowned for cutting edge research and for imparting state of art education. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. The Department has undertaken many research projects funded both by multinationals and government agencies.
The major areas of research include Image Processing, Real time operating Systems, Neural Networks, Data mining, Information retrieval and Web mining, Information Security, Networks, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Parallel processing and Human-Computer Interactions.
The Department of IT was established in year 2000, today aims to become a centre for research and excellence in Information Technology. It works towards providing excellent learning facilities to produce quality engineers who can meet the national and global industry expectations. Information technology (IT) is the branch of engineering dealing with the use of computers and telecommunications, developing and maintaining systems as well as retrieving, storing and transmitting information. The major areas of research include Data Science, Cloud Computing, Network Security, Information Security, MANETs, AI & ML, Neural Networks, Data mining, Distributed Systems and Parallel processing.
Resource Persons:
Resource Persons are from NCDRC, New Delhi, Professionals from MNCs and Cyber Security Govt. Officials
BVRIT is located in Vishnupur, Narsapur, Greater Hyderabad, Telangana.
(About 40 km from JNTUH and 50 km from Secundrabad Railway Station)
Participants can avail college bus free of charge from all city connected points of Hyderabad.
For bus details visit the Website Link:
Program Committee:
Chief Patron: Sri. K.V.Vishnu Raju, Chairman, Sri Vishnu Educational Society
Patrons : Sri. Ravichandran Rajagopal , Vice-Chairman, S.V.E.Society
Dr. S.Sundarajan, Director, S.V.E.Society
Conference Chair Persons: Dr. Y.Krishna Reddy, Principal, BVRIT
Dr. Ch.Venkateswarlu, Director, R&D, SVES
Prof. Kaipa Srinivas Reddy, Dean, BVRIT
Co-Chair Persons: Prof. K.Dasaradha Ramaiah, HOD-IT
Dr. A.Jagan, Dean (PG Studies), BVRIT
Dr. Ch. Madhubabu, HoD-CSE
Conveners: Dr. M.Neelakantappa, Prof.-IT
Dr. Amjan Shaik, Prof. & Assoc.Head-CSE
Organizing Secretaries:
Dr. Ashok Kumar Nanda, Prof-CSE
Mr. K.Bhima Assoc. Prof.-IT
Organizing Committee:
Dr.K.Venkata Subbaiah, Professor.-CSE
Dr.K.Purna Chand, Assoc. Prof.-CSE
Dr.R.Pitchaih, Assoc. Prof.-CSE
Mr. Vijaykumar Mantri, Assoc. Prof-IT
Mr. Niladri Dey, Assoc. Prof-IT
Mr. K.Durga Prasad, Assoc. Prof-IT
Dr.K.Subba Rao, Professor-CSE
Mr. K.Karthiks. Assoc. Prof.-CSE
Mr. J.Ramesh Babu. Assoc. Prof.-CSE
Ms. Jyothsna, Assoc.Prof-CSE
Mr. V.Pradeep Kumar, Asst. Prof.-CSE
Ms. R.Aarthi Priya, Asst. Prof.-IT
Mr. A.Swamy Goud, Asst. Prof.-IT
Mr. M. Amarender Reddy, Asst. Prof.-IT
Ms. K.Madhavi, Asst. Prof-IT
Ms. G.Ramani, Asst. Prof-CSE
Ms. J.Manjula, Asst. Prof-CSE
Ms. M.Swathi, Asst. Prof-CSE
Ms. N.Sandhya, Asst. Prof-IT
Ms. V.C.Gayathri, Asst. Prof-IT
Mr. Sandeep, Asst. Prof-IT
Mr. D.Abdus Subhan, Asst. Prof-CSE
Mr. N.Mahaboob Subani, Asst. Prof-CSE
Contact Us:
Dr. M.Neelakantappa Convener, INCYCON-2019 Prof. of IT Department, B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Greater Hyderabad,TS
Cell: 9866933893/ 9441971210 Email : |
Dr. Amjan Shaik Convener, INCYCON-2019 Prof. & Associate Head of CSE B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Greater Hyderabad,TS
Cell : 98660 40342 E-Mail: |