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The Intelligent Millionaires Network (IMN) India ( a business accountability club, for entrepreneurs who are part of a global network of successful people, who are looking to learn from each other and grow together, as well as learn from experienced and relevant keynote speakers each month from different industries and sectors of business.
We give you the tools, support, and connections to get your business to that first million, first ten million, or first 100 million. If you are a millionaire, we support you to get you to that 10 million mark, and those who dare to push the 100 million, we give you the tools to do so as well. This is not like any other business club where every month an ordinary speaker speaks and at the end they try to sell to you some book or CD set. This is your millionaire accountability group, who will not let you fail. We won't pitch you at all. Our mission is to educate you by bringing in the best in the business and to give you the tools to help you and your business succeed.
This month we are honored to kickstart 2019 with a bang, with the great entrepreneurial content.