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As per studies done by the "Institute of the Future", it is noted that
Cognitive Load Management
Design Mindset
Transdisciplinary Insights
Computational Thinking
Adadptive Thinking
Cross cultural Competency
Social Intelligence
etc... as important skills. None of this is taught in the classroom.
All that we understand, we have to understand the process of learning, develop the ability to "Just in Time" Learning and apply it on an ongoing basis. We have to continuously
Our future generations including our own children have to continuously Learn to Survive. In this course we teach them to Learn and Learn effectively
Why Science of Deep Learning?
Learning distinguishes a human from other forms of Life. We have been learning all through our existence. Both formally and informally. A particular standardized model of learning in a classroom geared to groom children for work gained prominence in 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
In 20th century the only way to build learning habits in children and adults was to be admitted in a school. It reached its Zenith when more and more parents across the globe adopted it as the only way to give their children a better standard of living.
It succeeded in achieving the aim to a certain extent in pockets across the globe. Unfortunately, the need for structured best practices driven öne size fits learning is on the wane due to inherent flaws with its orientation and execution.
Advancements in cognitive science have provided fresh insights and impetus to a form of learning backed by research. It argues that learning is life long and classrooms should be trigger points of purpose. Teaching should take into consideration the human anatomy, psychology, sociology anthropology and foster strategies to make every learner better. This is called Deep Learning.
Benefits :
Gain a well-researched perspective on Learning.
Become Empathetic to the constraints and challenges of children/student
Work on a Learning and Classroom Design sensitive to various behavioral traits
Develop Teaching Strategies for various circumstances and subjects
Design Student Learning Interaction in a way that relies upon the science of memory and mindset.
Who Should Attend?
Any person involved in group education facilitated inside a classroom. Parents / Teachers / School Administrators / Counsellors
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