Book Online Tickets for HAKON-2019 -  6TH INTERNATIONAL INFORMAT, Indore. 6th International Information Security Meet “ Hakon’2019, The Successful Rise of AI and Datafication.
As the AI wave becomes transformational across end-markets from enterprise to consumer platforms, from cybersecurity to robotics, the de



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6th International Information Security Meet “ Hakon’2019, The Successful Rise of AI and Datafication.

As the AI wave becomes transformational across end-markets from enterprise to consumer platforms, from cybersecurity to robotics, the demand for data scientists is growing exponentially. The role of data scientists in this technology will assume a new level of importance and will evolve in a similar fashion to what we saw happen in the field of computer sciences with the development of computing. AI technologies are creating a real need for data scientists with demand far ahead of the supply of qualified talent. In the long run, as AI advances to establish and analyze causations as well as correlations, software rather than humans will perform these analyses. And, data scientists – at least the successful ones – will evolve from their current roles to becoming machine learning experts or some other new category of expertise, yet to be given a name.

HAKON is a unique event, where the best brains in Cyber Security Society with mandatory Steps TO SECURE DIGITAL INDIA – Moving Forward with the Information Security Leaders to make the dream of Digital INDIA SUCCESSFULLY. HAKON International Information Security Meet will be a stepping stone for young professionals, information security enthusiasts, hackers, coders, programmers, security and network professionals, web developers, government, specially Cyber Cell Officers and enterprise people and for all who cares about Information Security Seriously. We have successfully completed 5 years and we are ON for 6th, with a vision to spread awareness among the society & Nation; we are on our Journey to bring together, the brightest mind within the information security industry and the digital underground. This conference will showcase cutting edge tools, techniques, and methodologies that are at the forefront of the global threat landscape. Ninja’s Information Security convention is a platform for security analysts, ethical hackers, professionals, and students to present their technical research papers and show case their skills to be the witness of the most advanced talks in the field of Information Security with outstanding Speakers.

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