A 4-hour workshop for entrepreneurs in Chennai to innovate on their products and services and stay ahead of competition.

How to build a Gethu Business?


  • Entrepreneur or Professional (Offer Price)

    Sale Date Ended

    INR 500
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  • Student Entrepreneur

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    INR 350
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About The Event

A power-packed workshop for Entrepreneurs in Chennai. This workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs apply the principles of  #DesignThinking in building a successful (#Gethu) business and deliver innovative products and services.





Whether your idea is an #IdliVada business or building the next big #TechStartup, this workshop's formula will help you -  

1. Decode what your customers really expect from your product/service

2. Help you plan your marketing strategy by knowing what influences your customer's decisions

3. Visualize the 10x impact to make your idea a successful business

Not just that, you can also use the "Networking" segment to network with other entrepreneurs attending the event. Most times, meeting the right partner at the right place can change your destiny. 


Who can attend:
  • All entrepreneurs, irrsepective of the nature of your idea or industry, including young student entrepreneurs are welcome. 
  • Corporate professionals who would like to nurture intrapreneurship within their organizations are also welcome. 
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs who have an idea to build a startup, but haven't quite made a decision yet.  


We look forward to seeing you there!

Design Squiggle Team

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