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Human being is social animal. To build a strong society, the man and woman, both have to complement each other. Both have some strengths and weaknesses and to understand the same, Gender Sensitisation comes in picture. This

Gender Sensitivity and Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace Act, 2013


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Human being is social animal. To build a strong society, the man and woman, both have to complement each other. Both have some strengths and weaknesses and to understand the same, Gender Sensitisation comes in picture. This sensitivity to understand the qualities or weakness of other gender and to respect it, bring best out of the person to build a strong society, work place and nation.

Now a days, the men & women, both share equal space in working world. But still the so called male dominant society creates difficult environment for female to work on. Even the company like Infosys and Judicial system were shaken by the cases of sexual harassment of woman at work place. Therefore, the law has beenformulated to safeguard the dignity of woman at work place i.e. The Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act,2013. The Act provides for very stringent mandatory compliances for the employers and strict action against the offender. The Act also provides for mandatory awareness programmes to be conducted in every organisation. Non- Compliance of any of the provisions of the Act attracts serious penal action for employers. Thus, every employee and employer requires to know the basic provisions of the Act to avoid any legal complication.

The one day workshop isto understand the concept & insight of the law relating to Prevention of Sexual Harassment of woman at work place. The work shop will be suitable for both genders. The workshop will create a safe and healthy environment for women in the organisation resulting into better output.

Learning outcome:

1. To build better inter-personal relations amongst all the employees


• Contents: 

 What is Gender sensitisation?
 What is Sexual Harassment?
 How the relation between gender sensitisation & sexual harassment effects inter-personal relations?
 How to improve upon inter-personal relations?


• Key take away:

 To the understand the importance of gender sensitisation in improving inter-personal relations
 Technique to improve upon relations.


• Benefits:

 Better inter-personal relations amongst employees will improve their performance, resulting in growth of the company.

2. What the Law states?

• Contents:

 The background of the Law behind sexual harassment of Women at workplace;
 The Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act,2013.
 What the Act says??
 Internal Complaints Committee;
 Mandatory compliances for employer under the Act.


• Key Take Away:

 Be aware of provisions of Law;
 Can change the behaviour & attitude to avoid any legal complications;
 In circumstance of happening of any incident, the knowledge of procedure to handle the case, departmentally.


• Benefits:

 Being aware of legal aspects, the employer can very well comply with the mandatory provisions and can avoid penal action.

3. Precautions and practical tips:

• Contents:

 The knowledge of legal aspects required to be taken care of by employer;
 How to minimise the scope of occurrence of sexual harassment cases – practical tips
 What precautions are to be taken by employer in day to day business?

• Key take away:

 The practical tips will help to reduce the occurrence of such cases;
 As prevention is better than cure, the precautions taken by employer will improve the working atmosphere.

• Benefits:

 The better, safe and friendly working environment will improve the performance of Company;
 Improved performance results in more profit;
 Improved goodwill in market.


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