Book Online Tickets for Ganesh Chaturthi Special Rituals, Chennai. Ganesh Chaturthi Special Rituals
54 Ganesha Homam
Heralds Huge Wealth, Wisdom and Knowledge
Abolish All Obstacles and Gain Victory in Every Step of Life
Scheduled Live On August 25, 2017 6PM IST
Lord Ganesha Removes Challenges From Path To Suc

Ganesh Chaturthi Special Rituals


  • Ganesh Chaturthi Special Rituals

    Ganesh Chaturthi Rituals Abolish All Obstacles and Gain Victory in Every Step of Life.

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Ganesh Chaturthi Special Rituals

54 Ganesha Homam

Heralds Huge Wealth, Wisdom and Knowledge

Abolish All Obstacles and Gain Victory in Every Step of Life

Scheduled Live On August 25, 2017 6PM IST


Lord Ganesha Removes Challenges From Path To Success

The most popular deity of the Vedic pantheon, lord Ganesha is synonymous with wisdom, vast intellect and perfect understanding. This power packed God removes obstacles, relieves one of bad karma and endows with blessings in the form of wealth and prosperity. Make this ganesha Chathurthi special by taking part in 54 Ganeshas Homam to be organised on 25th August, 2017.


The mega, grand festivities for the day begin with the following list of events followed by the 54 Ganesha Homam

  • Vallabambal Samedha Maha Ganapathy Homam
  • Ashta Dravyam Maha Ganapathy Homam
  • Arugampul Homam
  • 54 Mooligai Homam
  • Ganapathi Upanishad Parayanam
  • Sandal Abishekam
  • Modhaka offering


The 54 Ganesha Homam promises heaps of blessings in the form of wealth, success and clears the path for a smooth transit of all tasks undertaken.

  1. Maha Ganapathi - Eliminates negative Karma, especially beneficial for students as it helps them score high in academics.
  2. Vanchakalpalatha Srividya Ganapathi  - All dreams come true as this reverence consists of Srividya upasna and Maha Ganapathi Moola Mantra Japam.
  3. Sri Bala Ganapathi – It keeps off diseases and ill health and improves welfare of children.
  4. Sri Taruna Ganapathi – It helps recover quickly from bad health conditions.
  5. Sri Vigna Ganapathi – It gives peace of mind and gifts you with sufficient wealth.
  6. Sri Buddhi Ganapathi – It helps to overcomes learning difficulties
  7. Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi - He improves financial conditions by helping to recover from debts.
  8. Sri Santhana Ganapathi – It protects children from mishaps, keeps new born babies healthy.
  9. Sri Thirithari Santhana Ganapathi -  A very powerful form that purifies the body, mind and soul.
  10. Ganapathi  Ashta – It helps for achieve success and clear all obstacles in marriage.
  11. Sri Durga Ganapathi - It wipes off worries and complex problems in life.
  12. Sri Vallabha Ganapathi - It purifies the cosmic aura and brings auspiciousness to your home
  13. Sri Shakthi Ganapathi – It helps for overall victory in all endeavours
  14. Sri Sarva Sakthi Ganapathi – It helps for clear all types of hurdles and gain Knowledge and Wisdom.
  15. Sri Viriviri Ganapathi - Eliminates negative qualities and bad Karma
  16. Sri Kshipra Ganapathi - Wards off potential risks and threats
  17. Sri Heramba Ganapathi - Eliminates enemies, negative energies and nullifies doshas in birth chart.
  18. Sri Vakrathunda Ganapathi - Remove bad karma and doshas. 
  19. Ganapathi Tarpanam - It solves all mental and physical problems quickly.
  20. Sri Nidhi Ganapathi - Bestows one with immense wealth and prosperity.
  21. Sri Nava Nidhi Ganapathi - Eliminates effects of malefic planets and ensures financial stability.
  22. Sri Ucchista Navarnava Ganapathi - All marital issues can be solved easily.
  23. Sri Haridhra Ganapathi - Worship of this form fetches all types of wealth and Wisdom.
  24. Sri Modhaka Ganapathi - Ensure victory while executing new tasks. 
  25. Sri Medha Ganapathi - Ensures sharp intellect, improved concentration and memory.
  26. Sri Mohana Ganapathi - Get success in career and business.
  27. Sri Trailokya Mohankara Ganapathi - It prevents marriage delays and protects against all evil.
  28. Sri Vira Ganapathi - Removes all types of phobias, destroys ill forces and helps handle difficult situation.
  29. Sri Ekashara Ganapathi - Blesses devotees with wealth, higher knowledge, fame and prosperity
  30. Sri Thrayakshara Ganapathi - Ward off dangers and risks, and gain spiritual knowledge.
  31. Sri Sadakshara Ganapathi - Achieve goals and Eliminate worries
  32. Sri Sankashtahara Ganapathi - Eliminate sorrows and fears
  33. Sri Rinamochaka Ganapathi - Remove obstacles and Achieve success
  34. Sri Runanasana Ganapathi - Gets rid of Karmic issues and doshas
  35. Sri Guru Ganapathi - Ganesha enters your life and guides you towards attaining Moksha through spiritual means.
  36. Sri Chinthamani Ganapathi - He removes sorrows and wards off evil forces
  37. Sri Arka Ganapathi - Provides solution to struggles
  38. Sri Swetark Ganapathi - Activates positive energy and Assures victory over enemies.
  39. Sri Kukshi Ganapathi - Removes fear and assures success
  40. Sri Pushti Ganapathi - Pushti means healthy and therefore he keeps one healthy and disease free.
  41. Sri Sowbhagya Vamana Ganapathi - He prevents mental imbalances
  42. Sri Narthana Ganapathi - Ensures victory in all endeavours. It especially brings glory to people skilled in fine arts. 
  43. Sri Vidya Ganapathi - Attain Knowledge and Wisdom
  44. Sri Vijaya Ganapathi - It increases self confidence and helps one reach higher echelons in society.
  45. Sri Dhurva Ganapathi -  It clears discomforts in the body especially irritations and all types of health disorders.
  46. Sri Abhishtavaratha Ganapathi - Any obstacles or delays in marriage can be addressed.
  47. Sri Rakta Ganapathi - This powerful tantric form grants major positive changes in life.
  48. Sri Kumara Ganapathi - The deity removes obstacles, blesses with agricultural productivity and success.
  49. Sri Raja Ganapathi - This remover of obstacles makes sure all problems are eradicated
  50. Sri Prayoga Ganapathi - overcome sins and face challenges boldly and also acquire plenty of positive energies.
  51. Sri Kalyana Ganapathi - For a peaceful married life
  52. Sri Sowbhagaya Ganapathi - Acquire riches and fame by doing this ritual.
  53. Siva Avaratha Ganapathi - It improves leadership qualities and also provides relief from sins.
  54. Sri Yoga Ganapathi - Improves yogic powers and reduces Karmic issues. 


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