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Attend For the Free Exclusive Demo Session on Python Programming By Experts At Kelly Technologies On 2nd Dec Sunday 10:00 AM
About The Demo:
Python programming is one among the most challenging professions of the 21st & many organizations are in the hint for best talented professionals in Python. The salary packages in this profession are overwhelmingly higher than that of other IT & software professions. In order to elevate the rising demand for the Python programming professionals the Kelly Technologies has scheduled a Free Python Course in Hyderabad under the supervision of domain experts on Python.
Informative Python Demo Sessions Take Away:
The major informative aspects of Python programming that will be discussed during the demo session are
Aspirants wills also get about the flow of career program of Python Training In Hyderabad at the Kelly Technologies.
Intended Audience:
The major targeted audience for this Python programming free demo session by experts at Kelly Technologies
ü BI Managers and Project Managers
ü Analytical Professionals
ü Networking Professionals
ü Sales and Marketing Professionals
ü System Engineers
ü Fresher
ü Graduates
Make the most out of the wonderful opportunity if getting interacted with the Python programming domain experts by attending for the Kelly Technologies Free Python Programming Demo Session scheduled on 2nd Dec Sunday 10:00 AM and also we provides Python Online Training.
For Free Registration:
For More Details:
Contact: +91 998 570 6789
Flat no : 212, 2nd floor, Annapurna Block,
Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-16.