Footnotes to Justice is a monthly event at Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), to share and discuss important ongoing legal debates and some interesting reflections.
Members of CSJ’s Research and Capacity Building (RaCB) Unit try to read and write about important legal developments and things related to CSJ’s ongoing action researches every month. We also argue over these things among ourselves whenever we get a chance. In fact, we have argued over them so much that a sad predictability has crept into our discussions.
We would love to now have some other people over and listen to our ramblings, but mainly we would love to listen to fresh perspectives on these things.
This month's agenda is as follows-
14th March 2017
2:30 - 3:30pm Ameya Bokil presenting his findings from research carried out in Bhopal on the Street Vendors Act.
3:30 - 4:30pm Sumit Kumar Ganguly presenting his comparative analysis on FCRA laws in South Asia.
4:30pm onwards Film Screening to celebrate ongoing Women History Month at CSJ
15th March 2017
2:30 - 3:30pm Salomi Christie and Afreen Bano Khan presenting Episode 2 of our Peace & Justice Series focusing on SDGs Goal 16 in the Indian Context
3:30 - 4:30pm Prashant Singh Tak presenting his research on Witch Hunting in India and the increasing reliance on special laws for the same.
4:30pm onwards Film Screening to celebrate ongoing Women History Month at CSJ
The sessions and screenings will take place at the Conference Room on both days. We hope other people in CSJ and our friends from outside can keep some time aside and join us for two evenings of discussions.
Limited seats (upto 15 participants). For registrations, please contact: 07904442562 or