e-ConfluEnce is a platform for students and entrepreneurs to present their entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial business propositions to industry, academicians, research scholars, potential investors and government representatives.
e-ConfluEnce is designed to fulfill the following objectives:
❖ Foster Entrepreneurship
❖ Provide a platform for exchange of ideas to create value in the society
❖ Create a Podium for Visionary & Unique Business Plans
❖ Stimulate Creativity & Innovation by making students interact with entrepreneurs
❖ Help aspiring entrepreneurs meet their prospective co-founders through networking sessions
❖ Create Global Network of Institutes & Organizations Promoting Entrepreneurship
❖ Engage Corporate/Business Houses to entrust us and through Experiential Learning programs
❖ Creating a Business Factory where ideas are manufactured beyond competition
This Event will witness Entrepreneurial Workshops, Panel Discussions, Key Note addresses, B-Plan Competition, Case Study Challenge and a lot more.
Registration links:
Follow us here: https://www.facebook.com/econfluenceJBIMS/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
For queries, write to: econfluence@jbims.edu
or call 7977742011