Digital marketing training workshop, learn about search engine marketing on google and social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, linkedin etc

Digital Marketing Fiesta - 1 Day Hands-on Workshop on Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing


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About The Event


Entrepreneurs are coming up with brilliant ideas of changing the world with their wonderful solutions. An entrepreneur put his/her whole hearted efforts in creating his/her solutions .  Once the solution is ready to launch, the greatest challenge is how to take it to the targeted audience. Digital Marketing is the biggest marketing platform today. If you have enough monetary resources to spare money in Hit & Try methods, you are lucky. But if you want to be cost effective as well as efficient you need to use the well tested and tried methods of Digital Marketing with an innovative approach.

You should attend –

  1. If you are planning to start / started an online business i.e. Online Store, Portals like Job / Property / Yellow Pages / Classifieds / Deals & Offers / Blog / News / Social Networking / Hotel, Ticket, Travel Booking   etc.
  2. If you are planning to create/ created an online front for their new / existing offline business.
  3. If you aspire to work / working as Digital Marketing professionals.


About The Speakers - 

Having worked with 300+ startups to start and run their online business, Mr. Yatesh is Founder @ Micro Incept Technologies Pvt Ltd.  He has envisioned the idea of these workshops to help the entrepreneurs who believe in “Do It Yourself” concept but are looking for a starting point.

Worked with DRDO & TCS  before becoming an Entrepreneur, Micro Incept is his second successful venture helping businesses to come online. Micro Incept has rolled out 1000+ solutions with 200% year on year growth in Indian Market and now targeting the US & European market as well.

With 6+ years of vast experience in various domains of technologies he has believed in sharing knowledge and trained 5000+ aspirants. He has been speaker at prestigious institutions like IIT-Madras,  Birla Institute of Technology - Patna,  MIT-Chennai,  Anna University, SASTRA University etc.


Timeline of the Workshop –

  1. Duration of the Workshop – 11 am to 6 pm
  2. Workshop will consist of 4 sesions of 1.5 hours each with breaks in between for 1 on 1 discussions & networking.


Agenda of the Workshop –  

Before introducing you with the agenda let us tell you that this workshop consists of 100% hands on sessions, no boring lectures & rolling over PPTs. You will get to work on the stuff realtime so come prepared with your Laptops. Softwares needed will be provided on the spot.


  1. Search Engine Marketing  ( session 1 & 2 )


                                                                                        Example Image

    1. Identifying the target audience
    2. Tools to create matrix for Search Terms and monthly search volumes.
    3. Types of Campaigns & Ads and how to choose the most appropriate for you requirement.
    4. Hierarchy of campaigns .
    5. Setting up a Simple Text ad for search networks.
    6. Setting up an Image / Image gallery ad for Display network like Youtube.
    7. Dynamic ad campaigns for Online Stores
    8. Creating a Google store for your products and using product listing ads.
    9. Using of Ad Extensions like Sitelinks, Call, Callout etc.
    10. Tracking the conversions from the campaign.
    11. Methods to monitor your Ad campaigns performance.
    12. Optimising your Ad campaigns based on the responses.
    13. Creating audience list of people visiting your website / application
    14. Running a remarketing campaign to re-engage the visitors (it might increase your conversions by 20-25%)
    15. Creating an Effective Landing Page – most important part of your campaign, in absence of an effective landing page all the time and money spent on the campaign is useless.
  2. Social Media Marketing  ( session 3)
    1. Identifying the target audience and their social media behaviour. 
    2. What to promote on Social Media ?
    3. How to create good content to engage Social Media Users.
    4. Creating Facebook campaign to promote your companies Facebook Page.
    5. Creating Facebook campaign to promote your Website / Application.
    6. Creating Facebook campaign to promote an event / story.
    7. Creating Facebook Store to sell your products or services on Facebook.
    8. Monitoring and optimising the Facebook campaign.
    9. Creating audience list of your visitors.
    10. Running a remarketing campaign to stay in touch with your audience.
    11. Creating effective landing page for your campaign.
    12. How to organically grow your Fanbase on Facebook.
    13. Brief idea about marketing on other Social media platforms:
    14. Twitter Campaign
    15. Linkedin Campaign
    16. Instagram Campaign
  3. The Big Picture – Overall Web Presence ( session 4 )
    1. An overview of Content Marketing and Email Marketing 
    2. Importance of the good content on your Website / Application and on other instances on the whole internet.
    3. What do we mean by good content ?
    4. How to create good content which is liked by visitors as well as the search engines ?
    5. How to make your various campaigns on Search Engines and Social Media Work for each other ? 
    6. Branding aspects of your business – Brand yourself before someone else brands you.
    7. Question & Answer Session


Certification : Participation certificate to all the participants.

Offers & Tools Introduction: Participants will be introduced with various  tools and offers available for Digital Marketing. 


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