Valid after 30th June
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Offer Valid till 30 June 2018
Sale Date Ended
Student ID is Mandatory for the event
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The event will be organised by the Institute of Management Consultants of India (IMCI), Hyderabad Chapter. The event will be a forum for industry and IT leaders to share, discuss and learn lessons, best practices and business impact from the Digitization Journeys from a cross section of industries.
Mr. Suresh Reddy, Chairman and CEO, Lycos Internet Limited will be the main speaker and moderator for the panel consisting of leaders who have led digitization initiatives in their organizations. Some of the astounding speakers for the event are:
Mr. Rama Iyer, Senior Vice President, Head - Corporate Innovation, T-Hub
Mr. Kishore Hirani, Group CIO, Amararaja Group
Ms. Karuna Gopal, President, Foundation for Futuristic Cities
The event is targeted at an audience of CEOs, Business Leaders, CIOs, IT leaders, Consultants and research students who have either led a major Digitization Program in their organizations/customers or planning to initiate one.