Free Demo On Data Science
Sale Date Ended
To start a career in Data Science, attend Free Data Science Workshop on 9th September 2017(Saturday) at Analytics Path @ 10:00 AM
Data Scientist are the Professionals who can easily analyze and explain in-detail about complex digital data. The data is organized varying data elements with various elements techniques that include signal processing, probability, mathematics, machine learning, statistical programming, virtualization, computer programming, data warehousing and high-performance computing with the main goal of extracting meaning from data and also creating various products as well. Certified Data Scientist are in great demand to get into reputed companies with the highest paid salary range.
Data Science Training Program in Hyderabad at Analytics Path helps the intended audience to become Certified Data Scientist to solve all the business challenges with ease. In fact, this Data Science Program is an incredible and relatively new and rising discipline that no one can easily learn without any Data Science Training to become an Expertise or Practitioner.
Free Data Science Workshop Sessions Take Away
Data Science field is the latest in-demand skill set to get into top notch companies with the highest paid salary range.
Who can attend Free Data Science Interactive Sessions?
Participants who are aspiring to make a career in this Data Science field must surely attend this Free Data Science Demo to showcase skills for the career enhancement.
Without any Second thought, simply rely on the Free Data Science Workshop on 9th September 2017(Saturday) at Analytics Path @ 10:00 AM
For Registration:
Analytics Path
Plot No. 28, 4th Floor, Suraj Trade Center,
Opp. Cyber Towers, Hitech City, Hyderabad
500081, Telangana.
India Tel: 040 - 66828899,
Mob:+91 7842828899