Book Online Tickets for Creativity Workshop, Hyderabad. The Creativity Workshop is organized by the Creativity Labs at Café Replay. Creativity Labs work to develop scientific based tools and techniques to impart training to the participants at the Café Replay.
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Creativity Workshop


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About The Event

The Creativity Workshop is organized by the Creativity Labs at Café Replay. Creativity Labs work to develop scientific based tools and techniques to impart training to the participants at the Café Replay.


Our Experiential Events and Workshops

Participants actively learn by doing – individually and collectively. The creativity training program shows to the participants how to engage in the process of creativity, gain confidence in their creativity, and develop ‘creativity literacy.’ Experiential workshop techniques foster curiosity, exploration, embracing different perspectives and then applying new thinking in real time. We believe that in the right atmosphere and with the right tools anyone can tap into the creative stream that runs through us all.

The only requirements for attending our workshops are curiosity and a desire to explore the creative spirit inherent to us all. 

Workshop Detail

Objective: Our workshops foster a nurturing, non-competitive environment where freedom and focus go hand in hand.

Methods: Working back and forth between writing, oral storytelling, drawing, collage, and visual imagery stimulates the full spectrum of human cognition in a way that working within just one discipline does not. Working outside our discipline and therefore out of our comfort zone can release us from stultifying perfectionism and give us the freedom to experiment, and make mistakes. We are free to discover new concepts, new projects, new possibilities.


  * Play, Play, Play: We are all born creative, curious, and hungry to explore the world around us.   * Lets become a child again.

  * Moving Between Visual, Visceral, and Language-Based Exercises

  * Nurturing, Non-Competitive Environment

  * Collaboration

  * The Creative Spirit

  * Theater Games 

  * Role play

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