Includes Training + Certification + GST + Business Lunch
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Becoming a Certified Professional Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) could be one of the best career moves for any Physician, Nurse, Healthcare executive or any other member of the healthcare team involved in quality management, performance improvement, risk management, infection control and prevention and health information.
Anexas, a leading provider of Healthcare Consulting and Education announces the launch of The CPHQ Exam Preparation Course, an essential review for all healthcare professionals planning to take the CPHQ exam. The Course aims to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to obtain the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality Certification administered by the National Association for Healthcare Quality.
This Course involves a combination of practical demonstrations, discussion groups, case studies and interactive exercises. The participants are expected to gain a solid foundation In the Implementation of quality Initiatives In healthcare by acquiring common understanding of quality terminology such as quality assurance, continuous quality Improvement and total quality management.